I've seen what I think is a beautiful replica of the Pilar a couple of times cruising through our very own channel. The picture accompanying this post is of the real Pilar that I snagged off the internet. I read that Tommy Lee Jones is making a movie based on Hemingway's novel, Islands in the Stream. Could Port Aransas be the 'undisclosed location' referenced in this article about the movie? Don't get too excited, the movie is supposed to be filmed in Puerto Rico. It might be fun to spot Tommy Lee Jones in and around town if he needs to spend some hands-on time with the boat. Sounds like a good movie that I look forward to seeing!
Very interesting boat. Do not be too surprised if you do see Tommy Lee Jones around town. He is a Texan after all and seems to prefer to film in Texas.
Do you know anyone else who will be in movie or any details? I love this inside info!!!!
I read they were in talks with Morgan Freeman and John Goodman.
I like Pelicans. I've never eaten one. I think I'd like to try to eat one with broccoli and cheese. Didn't Hemingway write a book called, "To Kill a Pelican"? I think his uncle dragged it behind his boat and then ate it with cheesy broccoli... could be wrong.
Blog owner approval?!?! This isn't going to be nearly as fun as I'd have liked. Fiddlesticks.
The photos of whooping cranes are quite interesting. What 'bout the Tom Jones movie?
Tommy Lee Jones bought our boat for this movie! Is she still in Port A? I can't find anything on the net to get an update as to when the movie is coming out, thanks
I don't know about the status of the movie but the boat has remained in Port A the entire time.
Thank you for the update. My apologies if this is an inappropriate request but is there any chance you can email me a photo of the boat or suggest a contact in Port A I can speak to about her condition? This boat, formerly known as Patience II, was built by my great grandfather in 1937 and even though it was time to sell her she is missed by everyone in my family. Thanks for your time.
For a while the boat had a blank transom. It now has a new name, I'm not sure but I think it was a spanish mans name, and shows Port Aransas as its home port.
If I see the boat out and happen to have my camera, I'll try to get some pictures.
Hi, any update on the "Hemingway" boat in Port Aransas? I was hoping you might have a pic or two you could post? Thanks so much
Hi, any updates on the "Hemingway" boat in Port Aransas? Any pictures of it? Thanks
TLJ owns the replica of hemmingways Pilar and also a condo where his boat is docked in port A
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